About WFDP

  • who we are ?

    World Fund for Development and Planning - WFDP is an Intergovernmental Organization has a Multilateral Agreement , aims to the develop of communities and nations, and planning for a promising future, as every human being has the right to a ...
  • WFDP Commitments

               Our main commitment is to continue to pave the way for scientists, inventors and innovators to find optimum solutions for mankind. Dissemination of a culture of responsib...
  • Methodology

    Since its establishment, the WFDP has formed several focus groups to identify problems and define objectives of to discuss and address specific thematic challenges that face the world. These groups have provided an effective mechanism to ...
  • Scope Of Work

    WFDP experts is designing a methodology for development trends and practical measures that represent approaches necessary to expand study and research. Furthermore, sustainable scientific partnerships and investi...
  • WFDP Credentials

    Credentials & Identification Material / All Official Travel On Behalf Of WORLD FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING (WFDP): ...